Ramadan, the Holy month

Dear you,

As I promised I decided to do a post just on how I see Ramadan and what Ramadan means for me.
I will do this post in English, so I hope all of you could understand my vision.

First of all, Bismillah Al Rahman Al Raheem, which means, In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.

Ramadan is a month I hope every year for to meet. It's a month where I just find the pieces I was losing of myself. It's like my mood is so different. I am happier, seeking for knowledge, loving all of the people I adore, trying to not fight with the ones my heart belong to. For me it's a month trying to be the BEST version of myself. With the help of my Lord, Allah.

Let's start with what Ramadan actually is.. Ramadan is a very blessed month, because Allah subhana wa ta'alaa releaved the Quraan in this month. Ramadan is made because Allah swt don't see any differences in people,  it's all about your deeds. So the people can feel what the poor people feel. So we can not only say, ' we are muslim ' , no! We proof here that we worship Him the almighty. He made fasting wajeb ( obligatory ) for the Muslims except if you are suffering from any illness, travelling, are elderly, pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic or going through menstrual bleeding. 

Last year when Ramadan was almost over I had one wish. Being more prepared for Ramadan the next year so I could have more conversations with my Lord. The thing which is so beautiful about Ramadan is that it's a month every single Muslim is turning back to Allah. There is so much peace on the streets, in the eyes of the people.  So many people laughing, from the heart. People helping each other. Do I have to continue? It's the month which is the reason a lot of people are turning back to Allah swt. 

I am feeling blessed for being this Ramadan again able to fast. For being able to breathe again. I am feeling blessed and happy that Allah swt didn't decide to take my soul but give me another chance to clear my soul and deeds with his mercy. 

Today is day 6.  It's going so fast. I remember telling my mother that Ramadan is next week, and now we are almost a week further!! 

My soul was longing for you, month Ramadan. I was longing for the hole I had in my heart. I was longing for the love I felt. I was longing for the words of Allah swt. 

This month you will see many people. People you always saw doing this Allah swt hated. Today you saw them praying, in the mosque, behind you. Please don't judge them. Please don't judge your brother if you see him not being with his old friends no more. Please don't judge your sister when you seeing her putting a headscarf on and reading Quran. Don't think: HA! Do you think Allah swt will now hear your prayers? YES HE WILL! Because He swt is the one who learnt us that He is the almighty.  He is the one who learnt us that how many bad deeds we have done, He will forgive us. So if you are one of those people, please stop doing that. You are not being like more beautiful if you are judging people. Instead of that what I do as person, I always think this:  '' How would I react if they would do the same? '' 9 of the 10 times I feel that little heartbreak, ( yes I am so emo haha ) so I don't do it. What I am trying to say is, if you are feeling lost, please turn today. It's not too late.  He promised us and as you know, '' inna Allah laa yakhlafou el mi3aad '' He won't break his promise!! 

Ramadan is here and please use it as it's your last day. Either it's now or never.. Nobody will promise you next year. Nobody will promise you that this isn't your last Ramadan. 

Ya Allah sabetna 3ala siraat al mustaqiem.. '' Oh Allah, guide us to the right path '' 
Ya Rab la te5rejna el denya illa wa anta raadhi 3layna '' Oh Lord, don't take us from the Dunyaa untill you are pleased with us ''

May Allah swt accept our fasts, prayers and duaa's.
May Allah swt be with you and with your family
Lots of blessings

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